2011 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Clarence Thomas

The table below lists all opinions filed by Associate Justice Clarence Thomas during the 2011 term of the Supreme Court of the United States, which began October 3, 2011 and will conclude September 30, 2012. This is the twenty-first term of Thomas' tenure on the Court.
Clarence Thomas 2011 term statistics (in progress)
Majority or Plurality
Concurrence/dissent Total = 1
Bench opinions = 0 Opinions relating to orders = 1 In-chambers opinions = 0
Unanimous decisions: 0 Most joined by: - Least joined by: -
Type Case Citation Issues Joined by

Utah Highway Patrol v. American Atheists, Inc. • [full text] 565 U.S. ___ (2011)

First Amendment  • Establishment Clause  • religious displays on government property
4-01 Utah Highway Patrol v. American Atheists, Inc.
( full text )
Thomas dissented from the Court's denial of certiorari, in a case in which the placement on public land of large crosses to commemorate the deaths of highway patrol officers was ruled unconstitutional. Thomas criticized the lack of clarity and indeterminacy of the Court's tests for whether such a display violated the First Amendment, and noted the confusion and contradictions this caused in lower court rulings. "It is difficult to imagine an area of the law more in need of clarity," Thomas wrote, urging the Court to address this problem even if it did not adopt his view that the Establishment Clause only applied to the Federal Government and only prohibited "actual legal coercion."
